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Excursion to the museums of A Coruña

At the beginning of this month, the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade students went on a field trip to the scientific museums of A Coruña. They visited the House of Sciences and the planetarium, where they watched an interesting video about the stars and the universe.

Apípolis, the city of bees

The 1st and 2nd year boys and girls visited Apípolis. It is a center for understanding the existing relationships between human beings and bees, which fits within the Equipment for Environmental Education. Apípolis aims to facilitate the approach to certain natural processes, enabling visitors to link their daily experiences to them, as well as to the problems that affect them.

There they got to know the bees more closely and even dressed up as real beekeepers to get closer to the life of this small but very important animal.

Book fund for the 2024-2025 academic year

ORDER of May 7, 2024 regulating participation in the textbook solidarity fund and calling for aid to acquire textbooks and school materials for students enrolled in primary education, compulsory secondary education and special education in supported teaching centers with public funds for the 2024/25 school year

Order of May 7

The DEADLINE for submitting applications will end on June 21, 2024.

Releases of 6th EP

As every year, the Local Police of Santiago taught us the basic rules of Road Education at the Amio fairground. It was a very fun morning!

On Friday March 17, the students of 6°EP visited the Pantheon of the Cathedral of Santiago. Through an entertaining game of riddles and mimicry we remember the illustrious figures of our history who are there.

Didactic concerts

Last February 23, the 3rd and 4th grade students attended the didactic concert "Music and evolution", which corresponds to the new discipline of biomusicology.In this concert, 43 different Galician mus

Carnival Parade 2023

Once again our neighborhood was able to enjoy the Carnival parade of La Milagrosa school after this long journey through the desert that was the pandemic. It is a very special parade where the streets surrounding the center are filled with color and joy where the smiles of those who witness it are constant when they see the little ones dressed up for such a special occasion.