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Below we put at your disposal a series of useful documents:

Authorization to leave alone/to the center Click here


We put at your disposal the schedules of the different Kindergarten and Primary Education courses.

Slow Food km 0

A new success for the school, this time with the management of the canteen. On June 16, José Luis Cabarcos Corral, director of AGACAL (Galician Food Quality Agency), awarded the "km 0" certification to our center through Slow Food Compostela, accreditation that certifies our dining room as food quality insurance for our students.

Background books

ORDER of April 29, 2022 regulating participation in the solidarity fund for textbooks and calling for aid to acquire textbooks and school materials intended for students enrolled in primary education, compulsory secondary education and special education in supported teaching centers with public funds for the 2022/23 school year.