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Talk from the Tax Agency

Last Friday, March 11, the 5th and 6th grade students attended an educational talk at school organized by the Tax Agency in order to make know

Carnival 2022

This week we celebrated Carnival with a photocall on Thursday where the students dressed up as traditional elements of Galician culture. Children's Education were very nice pilgrims, 1st and 2nd Primary Education with pipers and traditional costumes, 3rd and 4th with peliceiros and 5th and 6th with the stone landmarks that indicate the way to Santiago. As a picture is worth a thousand words below you can appreciate how well they were disguised.

Feast of the Miraculous 2021

Last November 26, as every year, we celebrated the Milagrosa festivities at our school. This is the second year that the event has taken place in the context of the CoVid-19 pandemic, but we were still able to carry out a festive day respecting the protocols and ensuring that the boys and girls had a pleasant time of leisure. Saturday the 27th was the Day of the Miraculous which was celebrated in the church of San Fernando with the attendance of a large audience.


Last Thursday, a national police visited us at the school to talk to us about the harassment. He taught us that bullying is a form of verbal, physical or psychological abuse that in the case of students is experienced in educational centers and also on social networks. The latter is called cyberbullying. It consists of using technology to threaten, embarrass, intimidate or criticize other people through texts, photographs or messages that are published on networks with the intention of causing harm.

August 2021

This past Thursday we celebrated Magosto in the afternoon at our school. The chestnut train has returned after a forced break last year to remember this very tradition of ours. The ANPA of the school was responsible for warning the train to stop at the Milagrosa station.

road safety

Last week, the local police of Santiago de Compostela visited the 4th grade students so that they could learn about the objectives of the Road Education Campaign, such as making known the basic rules that apply to minors as pedestrians and vehicle users, creating habits in relation to the daily use of public roads by children, to familiarize them with the messages transmitted by traffic signs, to introduce the minor to t

ALCER talk with 6th graders

Last week, the Association for the Fight Against Kidney Diseases (ALCER) made 6th grade students take part in a lecture in which they talked about the importance of organ donation to save lives or to change others for the better, thanks to these transplants .