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Carnival 2024

Carnival has arrived at our school one more year! It was full of super heroes and super heroines, police officers to control that no one crossed the line, princesses, little animals, pirats, video game characters... My god!! It was possible to make a film that surely had everything it needed!

Visit to the CSIC

Last Friday, January 26, the students of the 6th grade of primary education went to the Campus Vida of the University of Santiago de Compostela, headquarters of the Superior Council of Scientific Research (CSIC), to participate in a series of workshops in the field of science and research financed by the Vice-presidency Deputy of Scientific Culture and Citizen Science of the CSIC.

Peace and non-violence school day 2024

This year, like the previous ones, we commemorate the day of Peace and non-violence by carrying out a series of activities in the school carried out by all the students. They made colorful hands to create a mural and flowers with positive messages to put around their classrooms and thus decorate the center on this special date.

Awareness about the right to live as a family

Last Monday, November 20, we wanted to raise awareness from the school to the entire educational community about a subject that does not appear on the front pages of newspapers or in the headlines of the media, but which, nevertheless, is a reality that is around us and is important let it be known We are talking about children who, for various reasons, cannot stay with their biological parents

The Magosto

Last November 9th we celebrated the Magosto festival at our school. ANPA "A Landra" brought a train of chestnuts where all classes went aboard to collect the typical gastronomic gift of this time of year. It is a festival that takes place throughout our geography between the second fortnight of October and the first of November.

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A trip around the world

This academic year 2023-2024 the project to promote the use of Galician is called "Unha volta polo mundo", promoted by the Galician Language Promotion Team and the Library Team.

Road education 6th Infantil

Last Tuesday, October 10, the 6th grade boys and girls went to the Amio fairgrounds to participate in Road Education activities.

Our dining room participates in the IV Edition of Come Local

This year we participated again in the "Come Local" campaign promoted by the Xunta through AGACAL in collaboration with Slow Food Compostela.

It will be a pleasure to taste Galician IXP, DOP and Organic products and continue with the training and advice provided by Slow Food.